(1) Wading pools for children shall be physically separated from swimming pools by means of at least a 4-foot fence or barrier.
(2) A fence or barrier shall be provided on the outside of the deck area of all outdoor wading pools.
(3) Wading pools shall have a maximum water depth of 24 inches. The water depth at the perimeter shall not exceed 18 inches.
(4) Wading pools must:
(a) be connected to the pool, recirculation, disinfection system, or
(b) have a recirculation, disinfection system of its own capable of a 1 hour turnover rate, or
(c) operate as a flow-through system with a 1 hour turnover rate.
(5) Floors of wading pools shall be uniform slip-resistant finish, sloped to drain completely with a maximum slope of 1 foot in 12 feet.
(6) The water in all wading pools shall be kept sufficiently clear so that the bottom of the wading pool is visible at all times.