(1) Whenever a case of drug resistant streptococcus pneumonia invasive disease is identified, the following measures must be imposed:
(a) contact isolation for the duration of acute illness; and
(b) concurrent disinfection of discharges from nose and throat.
(2) The local health officer or the officer's designee must initiate surveillance for susceptible contacts and recommend immediate immunizations to those identified as high risk for pneumococcal disease, including persons aged two years or older with sickle cell disease; functional or anatomic asplenia; nephrotic syndrome or chronic renal failure; immunosuppression, including HIV infection; organ transplantation or cytoreducation therapy; other chronic illnesses; and all persons aged 65 years or older.
(3) Contacts at high risk for whom immunization is not advised or not deemed effective must be evaluated for chemoprophylaxis.
(4) Outbreaks or clusters of cases may warrant more liberal use of the pneumococcal vaccine or chemoprophylaxis after consultation with the department.
(5) In the case of meningitis, compliance with ARM 37.114.557 is also required.