(1) On an annual basis on or before August
1, or more frequently if the commission so orders, licensed electricity
suppliers must update the information required under ARM 38.5.8002 and file
reports containing the following information for the previous 12 month period
ending June 30:
(a) a
descriptive list of products and services offered to residential and commercial
(under 300 kW) customers (e.g., variable/formula-based electricity supply,
fixed price electricity supply, environmentally oriented or "green"
electricity supply, demand-side energy management products and services,
metering services, billing services, other customer account services) ;
(b) the
aggregate number of Montana residential subscribers, aggregate sales in units
and revenues, and number and average term of contracts signed with Montana
residential customers in the reporting period;
(c) the
number of times distribution companies had to provide emergency supply service
for the reporting supplier; and
(d) the
aggregate number of Montana commercial (under 300 kW) subscribers, aggregate
sales in units and revenues and average term of contracts signed with Montana
commercial customers in the reporting period.
(2) A
supplier may request a protective order for information provided in (1) (a) , (b) and (d) .