(1) Energy efficiency and conservation measures can effectively contribute to serving total default electricity load requirements at the lowest long-term total cost. A DSU should develop a comprehensive inventory of all potentially cost-effective demand-side resources available in its service area and optimize the acquisition of demand-side resources over its planning horizon.
(2) A DSU should evaluate the cost-effectiveness of demand-side resources and programs based on its long-term avoidable costs. Cost-effectiveness evaluations of demand-side resources should encompass avoidable electricity supply, transmission and distribution costs.
(3) A nonparticipant (no-losers) test considers utility-sponsored demand-side management programs cost effective only if rates to customers that do not participate in the program are not affected by the program. A DSU should not evaluate the cost-effectiveness of demand-side resources using a nonparticipant test.
(4) A DSU should develop and strive to achieve targets for steady, sustainable investments in cost-effective, long-term demand-side resources. A DSU's investment in demand-side resources should be coordinated with and complement its universal system benefits activities.
(5) Except when the entire resource would otherwise be lost, a DSU's demand-side management programs should not be focused on "cream skimming;" the least expensive and most readily obtainable resource potential should be acquired in conjunction with other measures that are cost-effective only if acquired in a package with the least expensive, most readily available resources.
(6) Prudently incurred costs related to procuring demand-side resources are fully recoverable in rates. The commission will evaluate the prudence with which demand-side resources are procured, including resources acquired through programs, subcontractors, and competitive solicitations consistent with evaluations of supply-side resources.
(7) A DSU's development of demand-side resources should include an examination of innovative methods to address cost recovery issues related to demand-side resource investments and expenses, including undesirable effects on revenues related to the provision of transmission and distribution services.