Accumulative Table No. 19   10/17/2013    
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The Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) is a compilation of existing permanent rules of those executive agencies that have been designated by the Montana Administrative Procedure Act for inclusion in the ARM. The ARM is updated through June 30, 2013. This table includes those rules adopted during the period July 1, 2013, through September 30, 2013, and any proposed rule action that was pending during the past 6-month period. (A notice of adoption must be published within six months of the published notice of the proposed rule.) This table does not include the contents of this issue of the Montana Administrative Register (MAR or Register).


To be current on proposed and adopted rulemaking, it is necessary to check the ARM updated through June 30, 2013, this table, and the table of contents of this issue of the MAR.


This table indicates the department name, title number, rule numbers in ascending order, catchphrase or the subject matter of the rule, and the page number at which the action is published in the 2013 Montana Administrative Register.


To aid the user, the Accumulative Table includes rulemaking actions of such entities as boards and commissions listed separately under their appropriate title number.


ADMINISTRATION, Department of, Title 2


2.21.1931       and other rules - VEBA Plan, p. 296, 1083

2.21.3103       Payroll Rules, p. 1644

2.59.104          Semiannual Assessment for Banks, p. 241, 667

2.59.302          Schedule of Charges for Consumer Loans, p. 235, 666

2.59.1001       and other rule - Merger Application Procedures, p. 1375, 1817

2.60.203          Application Procedure for a Certificate of Authorization for a State-Chartered Bank, p. 244, 668


(Montana Public Employees' Retirement Board)

I-III                    Criteria to Be Used by the Board's Actuary to Obtain Information Related to PERS, Its Amortization Period, Its Funding Status, Its Future GABA Rates, and Its Actuarial Equivalent Factors, 1466

2.43.1302       and other rules - Definitions - Required Employer Reports - Payment of Estimated Benefits - Return to Covered Employment by PERS, SRS, or FURS Retiree Report - Death Payments - Survivor Benefits - Optional Retirement Benefits, p. 348, 830

2.43.1501       and other rule - Operation of the Retirement Systems and Plans Administered by the Montana Public Employees' Retirement Board, p. 1749

2.43.2110       Calculation of Highest Average Compensation or Final Average Compensation, p. 1735

2.43.2114       and other rule - Establishing a Process for the Payment on Employer Contributions on Behalf of Working Retirees, Including Independent Contractors and Other Workers in PERS-Covered Positions, p. 1161, 1519

2.43.2114       and other rule - Required Employer Reports Regarding Employer Contributions Paid on Behalf of University Employees Who Elect to Participate in the Optional Retirement Program Rather Than in the Public Employees' Retirement System, p. 1470

2.43.2114       and other rules - Name Change of the Montana University System Optional Retirement Program, p. 1741

2.43.2115       and other rules - Operation of the Retirement Systems and Plans Administered by the Montana Public Employees' Retirement Board, p. 1738

2.43.2318       and other rule - Guaranteed Annual Benefit Adjustment Coverage - PERS, SRS, and GWPORS, p. 1746

2.43.3502       and other rule - Investment Policy Statement - Defined Contribution Retirement Plan - 457 Deferred Compensation Plan, p. 1165

2.43.5101       Adoption of Deferred Compensation Plan Document and Trust Agreement, p. 1732


(State Banking Board)

I-VII                  Applications for Shell Banks, p. 1383, 1818


(Burial Preservation Board)

2.65.102          and other rules - Repatriation of Human Skeletal Remains - Funerary Objects - Human Skeletal Remains - Burial Site Protection, p. 308, 785


AGRICULTURE, Department of, Title 4


4.5.112            Noxious Weed Management Advisory Council Member Terms, p. 737, 1176

4.5.313            Noxious Weed Seed Free Forage Fees, p. 1395

4.12.1308       Exterior Plant Health Quarantine for Japanese Beetle, p. 739, 983, 1432

4.12.1405       and other rules - Plant Inspection Certificate and Survey Costs Fees and Civil Penalties, p. 1399


STATE AUDITOR, Office of, Title 6


(Commissioner of Securities and Insurance)

I-V                    Patient-Centered Medical Homes, p. 1414, 1686

6.6.507B         and other rules - Medicare Supplements, p. 1228, 1819

6.6.2403          Group Coordination of Benefits, p. 2296, 669

6.6.3702          and other rules - Reporting by Holding Company Systems, p. 1755

6.10.705          Composition of the Committee, p. 1168, 1824



COMMERCE, Department of, Title 8


I                        Administration of the 2015 Biennium Treasure State Endowment Program - Emergency Grants, p. 353, 832

I                        Administration of the 2015 Biennium Treasure State Endowment Program - Planning Grants, p. 355, 833

I-IV                   Implementation of the Montana Indian Language Preservation Pilot Program, p. 891, 1331

8.2.501            and other rule - Administration of the 2015 Biennium Quality Schools Grant Program-Planning Grants - Administration of the 2015 Biennium Quality Schools Grant Program - Emergency Grants, p. 741, 1178

8.94.3727       Administration of the 2013-2014 Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, p. 462, 834

8.94.3727       Administration of the 2013-2014 Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, p. 1646

8.94.3814       Governing the Submission and Review of Applications for Funding Under the Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP), p. 889, 1330

8.97.801          and other rules - Montana Capital Companies, p. 744, 1181

8.99 801          and other rules - Implementation of the Primary Sector Workforce Training Grant Program, p. 747, 1182

8.111.602       and other rule - Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program, p. 750, 1183


EDUCATION, Department of, Title 10


(Board of Public Education)

10.55.701       and other rules - Accreditation Standards, p. 357, 961

10.64.301       School Bus Requirements, p. 82, 411

10.66.101       and other rules - Adult Education - High School Level Tests of General Education Development (GED), p. 84, 412


FISH, WILDLIFE AND PARKS, Department of, Title 12


12.8.702          and other rules - Primitive Fishing Access Sites, p. 1565


(Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission)

I                        Salvage Permits, p. 1300

12.11.501       and other rules - Recreational Use on Lake Alva, Harpers Lake, and Lake Marshall, p. 755, 1563


ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, Department of, Title 17


I-VIII                 Infectious Waste, p. 1419, 1825

17.36.802       and other rule - Fee Schedules – Changes in Subdivision, p. 1474, 1827

17.50.301       State Solid Waste Management - Resource Recovery Plan, p. 465, 1439

17.53.105       Hazardous Waste - Incorporation by Reference, p. 554, 963

17.56.201       and other rule - Performance Standards for New UST Systems - Upgrading of Existing UST Systems, p. 1428, 1826


(Board of Environmental Review)

17.30.702       and other rules - Department Circular DEQ-4, p. 2529, 90, 895

17.30.1330     and other rules - Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations - General Permits - Additional Conditions Applicable to Specific Categories of MPDES Permits - Modification or Revocation - Reissuance of Permits - Minor Modification of Permits - Technical Standards for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, p. 2510, 529

17.85.103       and other rules - Definitions - Eligible Projects - Eligible Applicants - Application Procedure - Application Evaluation Procedure - Environmental Review and Compliance With Applicable State Law - Applications and Results Public - Loan Terms and Conditions and Reports - Accounting, p. 92, 670

TRANSPORTATION, Department of, Title 18


18.5.101          and other rules - Highway Approaches, p. 985, 1442

18.8.414          and other rules - Motor Carrier Services, p. 759, 1184

18.8.510A       Motor Carrier Services, p. 362, 839

18.8.512          and other rule - Motor Carrier Services, p. 365, 964

18.8.519          Wreckers and Tow Vehicle Requirements, p. 204, 535


CORRECTIONS, Department of, Title 20


20.9.701          and other rules - Parole and Release of Youth, p. 802


JUSTICE, Department of, Title 23


I-IV                   Chrome for Kids Motorcycle License Plates, p. 1000

23.3.129          and other rules - Collection and Verification of Social Security Numbers for Drivers' Licenses and Identification Cards, p. 996

23.12.401       and other rules - Fire Safety - Fireworks - Uniform Fire Code - Equipment Approval, p. 897, 1338, 1832

23.16.102       and other rules - Large-Stakes Card Game Tournaments - Small-Stakes Card Game Tournaments - Grounds for Denial of Gambling License - Permit or Authorization - Confiscation of Temporary Dealer License - Card Game Tournament Rules - How to Acquire the Official Montana Poker Rule Book - Player Restrictions - Dealer Restrictions - House Players - Operation of the Games – Table Stakes - Betting - Posting of Rules and Pot Limits - Definitions - Sports Pool Cards - Maximum Price of Sports Pool Chances - Determination of Sports Pool Winners – Prizes - Authorized Sports Pool Prize Value - Sports Tab Game Conduct - Maximum Price of Sports Tab - Sports Tab Game Prize Value - Sports Tab Game Seller Record Keeping Requirements –Decal Inventories - Quarterly Reporting Requirements - Reporting Frequency for Approved Tier I Automated Accounting Systems - General Software Specifications for Video Gambling Machines - Testing Fees - Repairing Machines – Approval - Casino Night Prizes - Web Site Address Access to Forms, p. 1302, 1606

23.16.1822     and other rule - Increase in Video Gambling Machine Permit Fees, p. 904, 1340


LABOR AND INDUSTRY, Department of, Title 24


Boards under the Business Standards Division are listed in alphabetical order following the department rules.


24.11.204        and other rules - Unemployment Insurance, p. 2534, 102, 413

24.11.204        and other rules - Unemployment Insurance, p. 1649

24.17.107       and other rule - Prevailing Wage Rates – Districts for Public Works Projects, p. 1479

24.29.201       and other rules - Workers' Compensation, p. 369, 841

24.29.1401A and other rules - Medical Services Rules for Workers' Compensation Matters, p. 557, 1185

24.351.215     and other rules - License Fee Schedule - Split Weighing Allowed, p. 1004


(Board of Chiropractors)

24.126.301     and other rules - Definitions - Inactive Status - Continuing Education, p. 809


(State Electrical Board)

24.141.405     Fee Schedule, p. 907, 1524


(Board of Funeral Service)

24.147.402     and other rules - Mortician Application - Inspections - Examination - Federal Trade Commission Regulations - Licensing - Sanitary Standards - Disclosure Statement on Embalming - Transfer or Sale of Mortuary License - Continuing Education Requirements - Sponsors - Unprofessional Conduct - Mortuary Branch Establishment - Continuing Education Definitions - Conditional Permission to Practice - Renewal of Cemetery License - Branch Facility - Complaint Filing, p. 382, 1191


(Licensed Addiction Counselors Program)

24.154.301     and other rules - Fee Schedule - Education Requirements - Application Procedures - Supervised Work Experience - Nonresident Counselor Services - Renewals - Continuing Education - Unprofessional Conduct - Complaint Procedure - Licensure by Endorsement - Inactive Status and Conversion - Supervision - Certification - Examinations, p. 468, 1688


(Board of Medical Examiners)

24.156.603     Applications for Licensure, p. 576, 1695


(Board of Nursing)

24.159.301     and other rules - Definitions - Advanced Practice Registered Nurses - Biennial Continuing Education Credits - Practice and Competence Development - Standards Related to APRNs, p. 490, 1609


(Board of Outfitters)

24.101.413     and other rules - Renewal Dates - Requirements - Fees - Outfitter Records - NCHU Categories - Transfers - Records - Renewals - Incomplete Outfitter and Guide License Application - Guide to Hunter Ratio - Provisional Guide License, p. 2107, 2304, 671


(Board of Private Alternative Adolescent Residential or Outdoor Programs)

24.181.301     and other rule - Amendment - Definitions - Renewals, p. 2310, 208, 965

(Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors)

24.183.1001   and other rules - Form of Corner Records - Uniform Standards for Certificates of Survey - Uniform Standards for Final Subdivision Plats, p. 1716, 2113, 673


(Board of Public Accountants)

24.201.301     and other rules - Definitions - Discreditable Acts - Alternatives - Exemptions - Renewals - Peer Review Programs - Statement by Permit Holders - Filing of Reports - Profession Monitoring Program Reviews - Enforcement, p. 763, 1527


(Board of Real Estate Appraisers)

I                        AMC Audit Rules, p. 580, 1201


(Board of Realty Regulation)

24.210.401     and other rule - Fee Schedule, p. 773, 1533

24.210.426     and other rules - Trust Account Requirements - Internet Advertising Rules - General License Administration Requirements, p. 508, 1621


(Board of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists) 

24.222.701     and other rules - Supervisor Responsibility - Schedule of Supervision - Functions of Aides or Assistants - Unprofessional Conduct - Functions of Audiology Aides or Assistants, p. 909, 1833


(Board of Veterinary Medicine)

24.225.401     Fee Schedule, p. 814, 1171, 1443


LIVESTOCK, Department of, Title 32


32.2.403          Diagnostic Laboratory Fees, p. 917, 1341

32.2.405          and other rules - Testing Within the DSA, -   Department of Livestock Miscellaneous Fees - Hot Iron Brands Required - Freeze Branding - Aerial Hunting - Identification - Identification Methodology, p. 2543, 538

32.2.405          and other rules - Department of Livestock Miscellaneous Fees - Official Trichomoniasis Testing - Certification Requirements - Hot Iron Brands Required - Freeze Branding - Recording and Transferring of Brands, p. 514, 966

32.2.405          and other rules - Miscellaneous Fees - Change in Brand Recording - Recording and Transferring of Brands - Rerecording of Brands, p. 927, 1342, 1845

32.3.201          and other rule - Definitions - Additional Requirements for Cattle, p. 777, 1343

32.3.201          and other rules - Official Trichomoniasis Testing and Certification Requirements - Reporting Trichomoniasis - Movement of Animals From Test-Positive Herds - Epidemiological Investigation - Exposed Herd Notification - Common Grazing and Grazing Associations - Penalties, p. 1008, 1446, 1624

32.3.214          Special Requirements for Goats, p. 1493, 1846

32.4.201          and other rules - Identification of, Inspection of, Importation of Alternative Livestock - Transport Within and Into Montana - Definitions - Requirements for Mandatory Surveillance of Montana Alternative Livestock Cervidae for Chronic Wasting Disease - Alternative Livestock Monitored Herd Status for Chronic Wasting Disease - Import Requirements for Cervids, p. 104, 414




36.12.101       and other rules - Water Right Combined Appropriation, p. 1496

36.12.102       and other rules - Water Right Permitting, p. 931, 1344

36.21.415       Board of Water Well Contractors' Fees, p. 324, 787

36.25.128       and other rules - Cabinsite Lease Site Sales, p. 1783




I                        Supports for Community Working and Living Waiver Program, p. 780, 1697

I-XI                   Licensure Requirements for Outpatient Centers for Surgical Services, p. 945, 1626

37.30.101       and other rules - Updates to the Disability Transitions Program, p. 326, 408, 789

37.30.111       and other rules - Order of Selection Revision and Catchphrase Change in the Vocational Rehabilitation Program, p. 1663

37.34.201       and other rules - Eligibility, p. 1574

37.34.301       and other rules - Placement Determinations, p. 1570

37.34.901       and other rules - Medicaid Home and Community-Based Service Program for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities, p. 593, 1347

37.34.2003     Discontinuation of Services, p. 332, 1009

37.34.2101     and other rules - Developmental Disabilities Program Staffing, p. 249, 1173, 1499, 1847

37.34.3001     and other rules - Reimbursement for Services, p. 608, 818, 1212

37.36.604       Updating the Federal Poverty Index for the Montana Telecommunications Access Program, p. 2327, 247, 788

37.40.307       and other rules - Nursing Facility Reimbursement, p. 616, 820, 1103

37.40.705       and other rules - Revision of Fee Schedules for Medicaid Provider Rates, p. 621, 824, 1111, 1215

37.57.102       and other rules - Update of Children's Special Health Services, p. 1050, 1449

37.59.101       and other rules - Update of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), p. 1501, 1852

37.79.304       and other rule - Healthy Montana Kids, p. 1025, 1698

37.85.105       and other rules - Medicaid Inpatient Hospital Services, p. 258, 686

37.85.105       and other rule - Medicaid Pharmacy Unit Dose Prescription Fee, p. 1579, 1661

37.86.2925     and other rule - Medicaid Inpatient Hospital Services, p. 1794

37.86.3607     Case Management Services for Persons With Developmental Disabilities, p. 605, 816, 1210

37.86.5101     and other rules - Passport to Health, p. 1016, 1447

37.87.701       and other rules - Home Support Services and Medicaid Mental Health Services for Youth Authorization Requirements, p. 1667

37.87.1202     and other rules - Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) Services, p. 583

37.871313      1915(i) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) State Plan Program for Youth With Serious Emotional Disturbance, p. 1798

37.87.1503     and other rules - Children's Mental Health Services Plan (CMHSP), p. 254, 685

37.87.2203     Non-Medicaid Services Program, p. 1677

37.106.301     and other rules - Minimum Standards for All Health Care Facilities, p. 1029

37.106.1902   and other rules - Comprehensive School and Community Treatment Program (CSCT), p. 2551, 415

37.114.101     and other rules - Communicable Disease Control, p. 14, 518, 967


PUBLIC SERVICE REGULATION, Department of, Title 38


I-VII                  Simplified Regulatory Options for Small Water and Sewer Utilities, p. 1583

38.2.5031       Public Utility Executive Compensation, p. 409

38.2.5031       Public Utility Executive Compensation, p. 1680

38.5.1902       Qualifying Facilities, p. 827


REVENUE, Department of, Title 42


I                        Alternative Office Hours in County Offices, p. 1055

I                        Electronic Submission of Documents Through the Business Licensing Portal, p. 1806

42.4.301          Residential Property Tax Credits, p. 959, 1450

42.9.101          and other rules - Pass-Through Entities, p. 2578, 428

42.13.401       and other rules - Wine Importation and Licensee Reporting Requirements, p. 1801

42.21.116       and other rules - Personal Property Valuation, p. 1591


SECRETARY OF STATE, Office of, Title 44


1.2.419            Scheduled Dates for the 2014 Montana Administrative Register, p. 1683

1.3.307            Rulemaking Notice Requirements, p. 1517

1.3.309            Rulemaking Notice Requirements, p. 1077, 1537

44.3.1101       and other rules - Elections, p. 1059, 1628, 1699

44.3.2405       and other rules - Montana Absent Uniformed Services and Overseas Voter Act, p. 1071, 1700

44.5.115          Filing Fees for Limited Liability Companies, p. 1080, 1701

44.6.111          and other rules - Fees Charged by the Business Services Division - Output Relating to the Farm Bill Master List, p. 522, 1119

44.10.331       Limitations on Receipts From Political Committees to Legislative Candidates, p. 1812

44.10.338       Limitations on Individual and Political Party Contributions, p. 1809

44.14.304       Fees Charged by Records and Information Management, p. 1327, 1631



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