(1) For a waiver of provisions described in 75-20-304 (1) , MCA, the notice of request for waiver must contain the following information:
(a) an explanation of the need or demand for the proposed facility as described in subchapter 9, including a demonstration of the immediate and urgent need for the facility and nature of the consequences that would follow from a failure to obtain a waiver;
(b) a description of alternatives to the proposed facility which were considered and an explanation of the reasons for selecting the proposed facility;
(c) a description of the site for a non-linear facility or proposed location for the proposed linear facility, alternative sites or locations which were considered, an explanation of the reasons for selecting the proposed site or location, and a description of the significant environmental advantages and disadvantages of the proposed and alternate locations;
(d) a description of the circumstances which prevented the applicant from determining that a need for the proposed facility existed sufficiently in advance to comply with the requirements of the Act; and
(e) a listing of the provisions of the Act and this chapter for which the waiver is requested.