(1) The degree of supervision required of the clinical laboratory technician by the clinical laboratory scientist or specialist shall be determined by the supervisor after an evaluation of appropriate factors including but not limited to the following:
(a) the complexity of the test to be performed;
(b) the training and capability of the technician to whom the laboratory test is delegated; and
(c) the demonstrated competence of the technician in the procedure being performed.
(2) The supervisor shall make written documentation after an evaluation has occurred and a copy of the evaluation shall be made available to the technician.
(3) The supervisor must keep written documentation of the evaluation in accessible written or electronic format.
(4) Depending on the evaluation made pursuant to (1), the supervisor shall make a determination of how critical it is for the supervisor to be immediately available to provide guidance and supervision to the technician. The supervisor shall make a determination based on all relevant factors whether to be accessible via onsite, telephonic, or electronic consultation and shall identify the level of supervision, or different levels of supervision for different tests, on the written evaluation of the technician.
(a) Onsite supervision means that the supervisor is physically present on the premises and immediately available for direction and supervision of the technician at all times.
(5) The supervisor shall promptly provide copies of the evaluations of technicians to the board or board's representative upon request.