(1) Continuing education programs sponsored by providers that are approved by the following organizations will automatically qualify for continuing education credit:
(a) the American Council on Pharmaceutical Education (ACPE);
(b) programs that have been approved for Continuing Medical Education (CME) by a state Board of Medical Examiners or its equivalent; or
(c) programs that have been approved for CME by an accredited CME provider.
(2) Pharmacists may receive CEU for programs other than those on the ACPE list of providers. Acceptable non-ACPE programs must focus on protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public and contribute to the pharmacist's professional knowledge and competence, and must:
(a) directly relate to the scope of practice of pharmacy as defined in board statutes and rules;
(b) review existing concepts and techniques;
(c) convey information beyond the basic professional education;
(d) update knowledge on the practice and advances in pharmacy; and/or
(e) reinforce professional conduct or ethical obligations of the pharmacist.
(3) A maximum of 1.0 CEU (10 hours) of the hours required in ARM 24.174.2104 may be obtained through completion of non-ACPE programs. The programs must comply with (2), and:
(a) be a minimum of 30 minutes in duration;
(b) be provided by an individual(s) competent in the subject matter;
(c) provide a statement and evaluation mechanism of educational objectives; and
(d) provide program materials and/or an agenda, and a certificate of completion that includes the program date, hours of CEU, name of non-ACPE program provider, and name of program presenter.
(4) In the event a pharmacist is selected for audit, the pharmacist must demonstrate the continuing education meets the above standards and submit non-ACPE information with a form provided by the board, including:
(a) program materials and/or an agenda; and
(b) a certificate of completion.