(1) The department shall retain snags and snag recruits in all harvest units involving live timber, including seed tree removals, fire, and other salvage operations as follows:
(a) in all timber harvest units post-harvest, the department shall retain an average of approximately two snags and two snag recruits over 21 inches DBH, per acre;
(b) in all cases, if snags or recruits over 21 inches DBH are not present, the next largest size snag or recruit shall be retained;
(c) retained snags and recruits may be evenly distributed or clumped;
(d) if there is an absence of sufficient snags or recruits, some substitution between the two may occur;
(e) Cull trees shall qualify as recruits provided they do not contribute to:
(i) insect and disease problems;
(ii) pose a human safety issue; or
(iii) present concerns over dysgenic practices.