(1) Developmental disabilities professionals are certified by the certification committee for developmental disabilities professionals.
(2) The purposes of the certification committee are to:
(a) review all applications of persons requesting certification as developmental disabilities professionals;
(b) certify developmental disabilities professionals in accordance with these rules; and
(c) perform other duties set forth by these rules or assigned to the certification committee by the director of the department.
(3) The certification committee for developmental disabilities professionals includes the following members:
(a) a person appointed by the governor;
(b) four persons appointed by the director of the department, at least two of whom represent the developmental disabilities program and, who are familiar with the roles and responsibilities of developmental disabilities professionals.
(4) Members of the certification committee shall serve at the convenience of the appointing authority.
(5) The person appointed by the governor serves as chairperson of the committee. Meetings of the certification committee shall be called by the chairperson. The certification committee meets as needed, but no fewer than 4 times per year, to review applicants.