(1) The Office of Inspector General, Program Compliance Bureau (PCB), has the power and duty to:
(a) investigate matters relating to LIHEAP including applications, awards of benefits, and information received relating to an application;
(b) determine, based on the evidence gathered, whether an overpayment of benefits has occurred; and
(c) determine whether the overpayment was due to:
(i) a false or misleading statement or a misrepresentation, concealment, or withholding of facts; or
(ii) any other action intended to mislead, misrepresent, conceal, or withhold facts.
(2) Local contractors must make reports of possible overpayments or fraud to the Department of Public Health and Human Services, Human and Community Services Division (HCSD), P.O. Box 202956, Helena, MT 59620-2956. HCSD will review cases to determine whether to make a referral to the PCB. The PCB may refer the matter to the Montana Department of Justice or the county attorney of the county in which the person resides for further action.