(1) Each home must have hot and cold running water with at least one toilet provided with toilet paper and one sink provided with soap and paper towels.
(2) Each facility must have a working telephone. Those facilities which have an unlisted number must make this number available to the parents and emergency contact persons of the children in care, and the appropriate regional or local offices of the department.
(3) Telephone numbers of the parents, the hospital, police department, fire department, ambulance, and the Emergency Poison Control Center (1 (800) 222-1222) must be posted by each telephone.
(4) No provider shall actively operate another business in the facility during the time the children are present for day care services.
(5) When a municipal water supply system is not available, a private system may be developed and used as approved by the state or local health department. Testing must be conducted at least annually by a certified lab to ensure that the water supply remains safe and the licensee or registrant shall provide laboratory results to the department during the licensing or relicensing process. Sanitary drinking facilities shall be provided by means of disposable single-use cups, fountains of approved design, or separate, labeled or colored glasses for each child.
(6) An adequate and safe sewage disposal system shall be provided and used as approved by the state or local health department.
(7) Garbage cans shall be provided in sufficient number and capacity to store all refuse between collections and shall be corrosion resistant, fly tight, watertight, and rodent proof with lids. Kitchen garbage containers must have lids or be stored in an enclosed area.
(8) All food shall be from an approved source and shall be transported, stored, covered, prepared, and served in a sanitary manner to prevent contamination.
(a) Milk and other dairy products shall be pasteurized.
(b) Use of home canned foods other than jams, jellies, and fruits is prohibited.
(c) Perishable foods shall be kept at temperatures above 140EF or below 45EF.
(d) No persons with boils, infected wounds, respiratory diseases, or other communicable diseases shall handle food or food utensils.
(e) All food utensils shall be properly washed and rinsed after each usage. A domestic style dishwasher may be used if equipped with a heating element.
(f) Single service utensils may only be used once.
(9) Folding of clean laundry must not take place on the same work surface used for sorting dirty laundry. Bedding shall be laundered when necessary and aired out periodically to prevent mildew.