(1) An explicit statement of
the rates, in cents or in dollars and cents, per 100 pounds, per ton, or other
unit, together with the names or designation of the places from and to which
they apply, are to be included, all arranged in a simple and systematic manner.
Complicated plans or ambiguous terms must not be used.
(2) Insofar as possible such rates should be subdivided into small sections (by
items, index numbers, or similar method) to each of which should be assigned an
identifying number to facilitate reference thereto.
(3) If
all rates in a tariff are stated in the same unit, that fact may be indicated
on the title page immediately in connection with the application of the tariff.
Tariffs containing rates per ton must state that rates apply per ton of 2,000
pounds or per ton of 2,240 pounds as the case may be. Where rates are stated in
amounts per package definite specifications of the packages on which such rates
apply must be shown or reference must be made to the PSC number of a
publication containing such specifications.
(4) A
tariff may provide rates from or to designated points by the addition or
deduction of arbitraries or differentials from or to rates shown therein from
or to base points, but provision for the addition or deduction of arbitraries
or differentials must be shown either in connection with the base rate or in a
separate item which must specifically name the base point.
(5) A
tariff also may contain through rates made by combination on a base point when
the factors are subject to different minimum weights or other conditions which
affect the measure of the charge, provided the base point is named, the factors
are shown immediately in connection with each other, and the conditions to
which each factor is subject are shown in connection with each factor, except
that each factor may refer
to the
governing classification or exceptions for such conditions. When all the
conditions governing the separate factors are the same, this method of
publication must not be used.
(6) When
articles are made subject to percentages of class rates (for example, 110
percent of first class, 83 1/3 percent of fifth class, etc.) , whether in a
tariff of rates, a classification or exceptions thereto, the rates applicable
under such provisions must be shown in the class tariffs just as if those
percentages were additional numbered or lettered classes, or reference may be
made to an appropriate table, published in the tariff containing the class
rates, or in the exceptions to the classification, which will show in one
column the class rate and in succeeding columns the figures representing the
various percentages of class rates. Unless this is done, specific commodity
rates must be published.