(1) The Department of Commerce adopts and incorporates by reference the following as rules for the administration of the CDBG and NSP programs:
(a) the Application Guidelines for the Community Development Block Grant Economic Development Program (July 2022); and
(b) the Montana Community Development Block Grant Program and Neighborhood Stabilization Program FFY 2015-2016 Grant Administration Manual.
(2) The rules incorporated by reference in (1) relate to the following:
(a) policies governing the program;
(b) requirements for CDBG Economic Development applicants;
(c) procedures for evaluating CDBG Economic Development applications;
(d) procedures for local project start up;
(e) environmental review of project activities;
(f) procurement of goods and services;
(g) financial management;
(h) protection of civil rights;
(i) fair labor standards;
(j) acquisition of property and relocation of persons displaced thereby;
(k) administrative considerations specific to public facilities, housing and neighborhood renewal, economic development, and neighborhood stabilization projects;
(l) project audits;
(m) public relations;
(n) project monitoring; and
(o) planning assistance.
(3) Copies of the regulations adopted by reference in (1) may be obtained from the Department of Commerce, Community MT, 301 South Park Avenue, P.O. Box 200523, Helena, Montana 59620-0523, or on the Community MT's web site at https://comdev.mt.gov/Programs-and-Boards/Community-Development-Block-Grant-Program/Economic-Development.